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Sonntag, 24. April 2011
* Flashmob,
* Musik,
Global Dance
UptoFaith song
Music: Tompage
Lyrics: Shelly Matos, Tompage
Copyright: Faith Church, Hungary
Up to Faith Dance
Verse 1:
Here it comes again, starts a new day
Morning coffee down, you're on your way
Message coming in, duty's calling
Work and home again, night is falling
Verse 2:
On the cloudy side, life's a tread mill
No one there to help, climbing up hill
Time repeats the pain, class in session
How to overcome, that's the lesson
When it's up to faith, be the difference
It's not up to fate, go the distance
Once upon a time, write the story
People up to faith, hearts restoring
What's the word today, who will lead us
Living Word today, only Jesus
Coming back to home, tears to laughter
Happy ending found here and after
Verse 3:
On the sunny side, you're the hero
In the face of doubt, land the first blow
Time to draw the line, now or never
This is up to faith, live forever
Verse 4:
Don't just talk the talk, empty handed
Faith will walk the walk, life is granted
Raise the standard high, let the world see
Jesus is alive, awesome mercy
Tune in for, you've got the power, the faith to believe
The key that in this crucial hour, you need to receive
It's the foremost source, yes, it's a formidable force
Expecting more, unlock the door, this privilege no club card holds
Get your inheritance with diligence, obedience, and endurance
With new intelligence you'll realize the readily clear evidence
This world will minimize and with your eyes you'll see the One and Only
Before you took a breath, He authored your whole life story
When it's up to faith, be the difference
It's not up to fate, go the distance
Once upon a time, write the story
People up to faith, hearts restoring
What's the word today, who will lead us
Living Word today, only Jesus
Coming back to home, tears to laughter
Happy ending found here and after
© All right reserved
Up to Faith 2011 - Full Choreography Preview
Up to Faith 2011 - Step-by-Step Training Video
Budapest, Hungary
Hong Kong
UptoFaith song
Music: Tompage
Lyrics: Shelly Matos, Tompage
Copyright: Faith Church, Hungary
Up to Faith Dance
Verse 1:
Here it comes again, starts a new day
Morning coffee down, you're on your way
Message coming in, duty's calling
Work and home again, night is falling
Verse 2:
On the cloudy side, life's a tread mill
No one there to help, climbing up hill
Time repeats the pain, class in session
How to overcome, that's the lesson
When it's up to faith, be the difference
It's not up to fate, go the distance
Once upon a time, write the story
People up to faith, hearts restoring
What's the word today, who will lead us
Living Word today, only Jesus
Coming back to home, tears to laughter
Happy ending found here and after
Verse 3:
On the sunny side, you're the hero
In the face of doubt, land the first blow
Time to draw the line, now or never
This is up to faith, live forever
Verse 4:
Don't just talk the talk, empty handed
Faith will walk the walk, life is granted
Raise the standard high, let the world see
Jesus is alive, awesome mercy
Tune in for, you've got the power, the faith to believe
The key that in this crucial hour, you need to receive
It's the foremost source, yes, it's a formidable force
Expecting more, unlock the door, this privilege no club card holds
Get your inheritance with diligence, obedience, and endurance
With new intelligence you'll realize the readily clear evidence
This world will minimize and with your eyes you'll see the One and Only
Before you took a breath, He authored your whole life story
When it's up to faith, be the difference
It's not up to fate, go the distance
Once upon a time, write the story
People up to faith, hearts restoring
What's the word today, who will lead us
Living Word today, only Jesus
Coming back to home, tears to laughter
Happy ending found here and after
© All right reserved
UptoFaith Global Dance 2011- Resurrection Sunday Dance 2011 - Flashmob
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= 99seconds
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= Evangelischen Landeskirche in Baden
= Evangelischer Kirchenfunk Niedersachsen
= Evangelisches Jugendwerk in Württemberg
= Frisch Fromm Frei
= ideaFernsehen
= ideaHeute
= Katholisch.de
= Kirchenfernsehen
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= Watch Out
Global Dance
Ihre Fragen
Judy Bailey
Willow Creek
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